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Конкурс "Допиши рассказ"


Строюк Екатерина Андреевна. 10 лет. These amazing animals! HIGH.

Before I took part in the Expedition through the Arctic, I had lived by a schedule. In the Arctic you lose sense of time. Having 24 hours of sunlight we could start our hiking at what we thought was 3 PM but it was actually 3 AM.
Our entire being was focused on one thing: survival.
That day or night (I can’t say for sure) I was on polar bear watch while the others were sleeping.
I didn’t have to fall asleep so I looked outside for some fresh air and came face to face with a ...

a little polar bear cub and behind it there was a very young seal.
Theirs parents weren't seen. I was very surprised, because how can two enemies be together and don't fight?!
Then, while I was looking at two cubs, the little polar bear (I gave him a name “Whity”) started climbing into my tent.
“Stop, don't climb!”-cried I, -”there are people who are sleeping now!”.
But Whity didn't listen to me. Suddenly I understood: the cub wanted to eat something.
I took out the polar bear and gave him to eat. Then I looked at the seal.
“Oh, how could I forget about you?”-with these words I gave him some food too.
But he didn't eat. I thought, he will eat something from the sea, that's why I went with my new pat to the sea, but before it I had hidden Whity in my very big hag.

My seal and I came to the sea and the happy cub “ran” to the water. He swam and enjoyed the clean sea, he ate food, which he liked. Then he came to me and we returned to my tent. When the seal returned to my tent, I hid it in the “bear's bed”. They slept together there.

The next day I saw that my bag was teared and there were neither bear, nor seal close by the tent. “Where are they?!”-I asked myself.
All the people were sleeping in theirs tents.
It was better for my when I went outside the tent, because I didn't want to answer any stupid questions like these:
“Where were you? What have you done with your bag? Where is our food?”

I went outside the tent very quietly. I saw my pals near.
They were playing happily together. But when I saw them I was terrified. There were two angry polar bearsBehind Whity and the seal .
They saw a defenceless seal and decided to eat it. “Rrrrr...”,-the bears began to run.
“Oh, no!”-cried I. Two animals (Whity and the little seal) heard me and the bears.
Suddenly, when the two bears were ready to jump, Whity stood between his friend and two angry polar animals and began to roar.
“Go out, you, who eat defenceless animals! I'm younger, than you, and I don't kill others! Go out and don't touch my friend and other animals!
“Go, go, go!”-cried little brave Whity in the bear's language. Then the two bears roared a tiny bit and went away.
I was very surprised! A bear saved his enemy! Oh, these amazing animals!!!

The next day we had to leave this fantastic place.
I took five photos with my Arctic friends and said them “Good bye”.
While I was saying “Good bye” I was very sad. But I know that I shall surely meet them again!


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